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In newcar, objects can be nested using the children property. Here's how to add them:

const child = new $.Circle(200, {
  x: 200,
  y: 300

const father = new $.Circle(300, {
  x: 100,
  y: 200

// Add child Widget

In this case, the coordinates (200, 300) of child are not relative to the top-left corner of the canvas, but rather to the position of its parent component.


In addition, parent-child components follow the principle of "child follows parent, parent does not follow child". This means that when the parent component moves, the child component moves with it. When the child component moves, the parent component remains still.

With this feature, you can set up a background and make objects in the scene "child objects" of the background, so that when you manipulate the character's movement, the background moves backwards.


Besides coordinates, rotation angle and scaling ratio also follow the parent-child component principle.

The rotation angle here refers to the rotation angle of the entire coordinate system relative to the parent component, not the rotation angle value of each component.

However, storing objects in variables is both cumbersome and inefficient, so after version 0.7.0, we recommend using chain syntax:

const root = new Widget().add(new Circle(200).setUpdate((elapsed, widget) => {}))

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